Sunday, September 28, 2008

Room 210 Interview: Rooker receives experience as principal

Room 210 Staff Writer

Last week, Mrs. Barbara Rooker, sixth grade math teacher, had a chance to fill in as an administrator while Assistant Principal Mr. Jarrett Cook was gone. She is the subject of the latest Room 210 interview.

ROOM 210- What was it like being the assistant principal the past few days?

MRS. ROOKER- Busy. Very busy. There’s a new challenge every day. But it’s fun.

ROOM 210- Do you want to be a principal some day?

MRS. ROOKER- Yes I do.

ROOM 210- Have you missed teaching math the past few days?

MRS. ROOKER- Yes I have. I miss my students.

ROOM 210- Has it been exciting the past few days?

MRS. ROOKER- Kind of. You never know what will happen next.

ROOM 210- What was the best part?

MRS. ROOKER- Kicking off the assembly (the pep rally). I liked pounding on the microphone, and everyone was looking around wondering where it was coming from.

(Photo by Ben Story)

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