Thursday, November 29, 2012

Next year's eighth graders get iPads

Staff Writer
East Middle School eighth graders get iPads next year.

 The recommendation came from the Joplin School District Tech Department and is for all Joplin seventh grade students  moving on to the eighth grade during the 2013-2014 school year. All three Joplin middle schools will be participating in this experiment.

 Just like the high school students who get to keep their laptops, we also get to keep our iPads “24/7” according to our principal, Mr. Bud Sexson. This idea came from another program called “Project Red,” which is an abbreviation for “Revolution Education."

The iPads will be mostly only used for schoolwork at school, but we will find out more later about how we will be able to use them. Now that we have the idea of personal iPads for each individual student we won’t be using laptops anymore, because there will be no need! So hopefully, this all works out and the responsibility kicks in to keep the brand new iPads shining for the next set of eighth graders.

 (Seventh grader Anna Nguyen holding an iPad similar to the one she will receive as an eighth grader. Photo by Bailey Merriman)

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