Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The real reason to clean our lockers

Room 210 Staff Writer

Many of you may wonder why we have a designated day in T.A. for cleaning out our lockers.
Well trust me, the teachers didn't just come up with some silly idea... some people really do need to clean out their lockers. I mean really do.
One day during a Journalism Club meeting, some of the students decided to get a pop from the teachers lounge, but Lainie (Nicolas) needed to go get her money. Okay, no big deal right?... no.
It took all of journalism club to clean out her locker only to find one single nickel and lose another, as you can see by the accompanying photos, so she could eventually not get a pop.
So there really is a need to clean out our lockers in school... it comes in handy when you need to find something really important, like a nickel for a can of pop.

(Lainie Nicolas is shown searching for that ever-elusive nickel. Photos by Allen Peterson)

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