Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Practices start for SMS sports teams

Practices have begun for the South Middle School football, volleyball, and cheerleading squads. South and North middle schools will have a combined football team this season.
The volleyball team will open its season Tuesday, Sept. 5, when it plays host to College Heights in the Memorial Middle School gymnasium.
The seventh grade football team will play Memorial at Memorial 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 12. The eighth grade team will play Memorial there 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 14.


Anonymous said...

that is not fair
as im sure almost evryone knows North and South don't get along too well!!! if you think about it isn't fair to memorial who is gona have a hard time trying to beat us(not saying that that is a bad thing).I mean what is the deal we ar two diferent schools!!!! I am so mad they made this desition because we want to show SCHOOL SPIRIT and our colors are clearly red and white(or is it gray?????)anyways our school colors is not red blue and white (yeah the usa flag,BUT NOT OUR SCHOOL COLORS!!!!!!!!!)GRRRRRRR as you can tell im mad its just not fair how this happened i mean one thing we like is beating north it is not fun when we play with them i meann grrrrrr mr.turner i'm mad!!!!

~christy hernandez
south middle school student

Anonymous said...

i am one of the football players and when i comes to it north and south really need to combine but dont get me wrong it anoys me but now since were bigger we can beat other teams that looked down on us, our defence is impenitrable and our offence is in really good shape so to me we can use the extra help but what i hate is that we have to practice at NORTH!!!!! and that really ticks me ooooofffffff