Friday, August 27, 2010

PTO holds first meeting of 2010-2011 school year

The Joplin East Middle School PTO held its first meeting of the 2010-2011 school year Thursday night in the library.

Principal Mr. Bud Sexson gave an update on the opening of school, the district's Bright Futures program, the clothes closet, the school newsletter, the upcoming magazine drive, the new PBS (Positive Behavior Support) program, and the Encore program.

PTO President Mrs. Lucretia Huffman conducted the meeting. Meetings will be held 5:45 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month in the library.

East Middle School PBS works on improving lunch room behavior

As part of East Middle School's PBS (Positive Behavior Support) program, drama teacher Ms. Lara Stamper presents a lesson during the first week of school on proper lunch room behavior:

Cheerleading squad prepares for busy year

Volleyball team prepares for first match

Friday, August 20, 2010

Football practice underway

2010-2011 school year begins at East

The first day of classes for the 2010-2011 school year was held Wednesday at East Middle School. For most of the first day, students learned teachers' rules and classroom procedures. The first full week of school begins Monday.

Large crowd attends EMS Open House

Parents and students filled the halls of East Middle School Tuesday night for Open House.

Students were able to pick up their schedules and parents met with teachers to find out what supplies their children would need and what would be taking place in their classes.